This is the Internet version of the Christian Worker - a monthly newsletter for churches of Christ in the UK.
The World Video Bible School® is your home for non-denominational Bible study materials on video, audio, CD-ROM, DVD and the printed page.
http://www.wvbs.org/ |
Scriptures Say has hundreds of questions and answers in audio and video form for you to study and enrich your knowledge of Scripture.
http://www.scripturessay.com/ |
World Bible School will help you to understand the Bible.
Here is a creation website with more than 5500 articles on creation. Well worth going to; |
For more than twenty years Apologetics Press has published and disseminated materials for self study, group study, or evangelistic purposes. Topics range from evidences supporting the Christian Faith to highly controversial areas that challenge that Faith.

The Christian Courier is a journal dedicated to the investigation of biblical doctrine, Christian evidences, and ethical issues.
The following website takes a look at Churches of Christ in Europe prior to the Restoration Movement - dispelling the myth that Barton W. Stone and Alexander Campbell started the church of Christ -